Meet our people.

Zach and Carley Adams

We are so blessed to have this family become part of Rooted Church. Zach Adams will be coming on staff February 1 as our Connecting Pastor. We want to share a little about him and his family. 

Zach was raised in a Christian home in Letcher County. At 7 years old he began a personal relationship with God. As Zach continued to grow, so too did his relationship with God. God was (and is) his strength and comfort in the good and bad times and is working to sanctify his life. In the summers of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2017, he worked at a Christian summer camp called, Seesalt. It was while serving in ministry at summer camp that he met Carley and cultivated a love for serving Christ. Zach moved to SC in 2013, and he and Carley began dating in 2015. 

Carley is from South Carolina and accepted Christ as her savior at the age of 5 and felt God calling her to ministry at the age of 10. She has had the privilege to serve on mission projects in 6 different countries, including 2 years of service in Botswana, Africa. She is humbled that such a perfect God is willing to use a broken vessel like herself to shine His light and work to bring His Kingdom on earth. 

In 2017, it became evident that God was calling Zach into the ministry. Zach left the plan he had for his life and watched God’s unfold. Zach became a youth minister at Pelham First Baptist in 2017, married Carley in 2018, and they had their first child (Emery) in 2021. Zach and Carley were blessed to serve Christ in South Carolina for 6 years together.

Though Carley and Zach have had the blessing of serving Christ in many unique ways, it is not what they do for Christ that gives their life meaning. It is their relationship WITH Christ. He is their identity and the undergirding in all that they do (though still imperfectly). Being fairly new parents, they are still learning how to love their daughter Emery like Christ and point her toward Him. Both feel strongly about teaching kids and youth how to be in the world but not of the world through an intimate relationship with Christ. In 2023, God made it abundantly clear that Letcher County was where He wanted the Adams family. They are excited to see how God will use the hardships they’ve endured and their experience in ministry to love and serve the people of Letcher County. They cannot wait to see all that God has in store!

Tim and Briana Profitt

Meet Tim and Briana Profitt. Tim plays guitar and is part of the Praise and Worship Team. He also preaches on occasion at Rooted. Briana is the director of Rooted Children’s Church and also “Christmas for Kids”. They along with their daughter, Meredith, are faithful and a great part of our Rooted Church Family.

Here are their own words describing their experience at Rooted Church. “The first time we visited Rooted church we knew God was pulling us toward something special. From the moment we walked in we felt like family. The people, the spirit, the love. Rooted church is everything we think of when we think of “home”. We consider it a great blessing to be amongst so many wonderful people working together for Gods glory and to truly show people the love of Christ.”

Jackie Frazier

Meet Jackie Frazier. She is one of a kind and we are so blessed to have her in our church. We LITERALLY couldn’t make it without her. She’s not a person to be up in the front holding a mic, but you can believe she is behind the scenes working to make sure everything works out good for any function we have.

She keeps us lined out with the money that comes in and goes out cause she is the treasurer. She gets every receipt for money that goes out and she makes sure she gets them or she will let you know about it.

I mentioned she is treasurer. She is also a board member. We cannot say enough good things about her. She loves unconditionally and welcomes every person that walks into our church. She has been with us from the beginning and we will never let her go anywhere else. She is stuck with us. We love you, Jackie, and are so happy you are a member and leader at Rooted Church.

Cory and Tasha Bailiff

Meet Cory and Tasha Bailiff! Cory is the small group leader and teaches lessons over Biblical topics and life application and has been provided the opportunity to preach at Rooted on occasion.

Tasha is part of the praise team and assists with teaching during small groups as well. Together, they also have a marriage based ministry, Unbound Marriage.

They, along with their children, Abrahm and Davie have been part of the Rooted family from the very beginning. "We knew God was moving us in a new direction and I am so thankful that following His Will led us to Rooted, a church that is truly about the Gospel of Jesus and reaching the people of this world with open and loving arms," Cory says. His wife feels the same in saying "I never imagined being so accepted and so comfortable in a church setting. These people are our family and I thank God for Rooted Church."